0 Rogers Rd, 0 Rogers Rd, Longmont, CO 80501
0 Rogers Rd, 0 Rogers Rd, Longmont, CO 80501
0 Rogers Rd, 0 Rogers Rd, Longmont, CO 80501
0 Rogers Rd, Longmont, CO 80501
0 Rogers Rd, Longmont, CO 80501
0 Rogers Rd, Longmont, CO 80501

0 Rogers Rd 0 Rogers Rd, Longmont, CO 80501

Availability: for sale
Property Type: Vacant Land
Land Size: 1.53  Ac
Price: $1,837,825
Keith Kanemoto, SIOR keithk@remax.net (303) 472-2222

Property Description

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase a 1.53 acre site on the Gateway into the Longmont's large Sugar Mill redevelopment site. The historic Sugar Mill was built in 1902 through investments of members of the Longmont community. It is currently in the process of going through redevelopment, and according to the developer, the most recent plan has a boutique hotel, restaurant and retail space, performing arts center and approximately 1,600 multi-family housing units and 600 townhomes. The residential component would all be for sale units ranging from mid-tier affordability to luxury. The City of Longmont is home to over 100,000 residents with an average household income in 2022 of _______. Some of the employers that call Longmont home include J.M. Smuckers, AGC Biologics, Seagate, FAA, Oskar Blues and Intrado. Longmont also has citywide gigabit fiber optics available to homes and businesses. This property has all of the City of Longmont's raw water requirements met. Currently, the cash-in-lieu raw water requirement is 3 acre feet per acre at $48,500 per acre foot. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of the larger vision for the City of Longmont and the Sugar Mill redevelopment site! Please contact the listing brokers for any additional questions.

Area Description

SEC of Ken Pratt and 3rd Avenue

Full Address: 0 Rogers Rd, Longmont, CO 80501

Listing Type: FOR SALE

Status: Active

Region: W-WM 

County: Boulder

Property ID: 4029537

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*RE/MAX, LLC, 5075 S. Syracuse St., Denver CO, 80237, 1-800-525-7452; RE/MAX Western Canada and RE/MAX Ontario-Atlantic, 639 Queen Street West, 6th Floor, Toronto, ON M5V 2B7, 905-542-240